David Parsons

When did you join TAPFS?
2022 towards the end of the N.American tour.
What is your favourite Pink Floyd album?
The Dark Side Of The Moon.
What is your favourite Pink Floyd song to listen to?
What is your favourite Pink Floyd song to play?
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
How did you get in to Pink Floyd?
When I was 16 a mate set me the challenge to learn and record the intro to Shine On. I learned from a copy of Wish You Were Here that my dad’s mate had left at our house…needless to say, he never got the album back!
What other bands do you like?
The Rolling Stones, Steely Dan, The Beatles, David Bowie, Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Sigur Ros & Mogwai.
If you weren’t in a floyd tribute what tribute would you be doing?
I always fancied playing in a David Bowie tribute.
Have you met any Pink Floyd members?
I haven’t properly met any of them, but I’ve had a couple of close encounters with Roger, shook his hand 2 nights in a row - as he made his way along the front row during the second guitar solo of Comfortably Numb during his Us + Them tour. He also addressed me in a video and when learning I was Scottish screamed “You! Yes you behind the bike sheds” in his Scottish school teacher voice from the Wall (I still have the recording!)
What is your least favourite Pink Floyd Song?
Dogs of War.
Funniest moment on stage with TAPFS
There are sections during Astronomy Domine where the band stops and nothing but organ swells play, kept in time by a hi-hat and head nods from the drummer Bonney. My 2nd or 3rd show in, I’m nodding along with Bonney to keep in time when he started accompanying his head nods with funny gestures using his one available hand, which completely took me by surprise and had me trying to hold back the laughter. I now expect this every time we play the song!
If you weren’t a musician what would you be?
A drummer! haha! In all seriousness, something that involves being creative. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a filmmaker…maybe that.
Best thing about touring?
Seeing different cities and towns that I’d otherwise never have thought of visiting.
Worst thing about touring?
Sleep deprivation. Sleeping in a bunk on a moving tour bus can be difficult.
Favourite venues?
Joint favourites are the Leader Bank Pavilion in Boston, Videotron centre and the Place Bell, both of which are in Quebec
Most enjoyable gig?
Loved all of the outdoor and arena shows, but the Leader Bank Pavilion show stood out in particular for me. It was a nice warm night, atmosphere from the crowd was electric and being my second show with the band, the nerves from the first night had gone.
Funny touring story off stage
Would have to be on the final night of my first tour. An afterparty (of sorts) involving two photographers, a social media influencer who brought a wardrobe of “fabulous” outfits, wigs and (for some reason) a rubber duck! This resulted in a crazy impromptu photoshoot that I hope never sees the light of day!
What instruments do you play?
Keyboards/Piano, a little guitar, drums and vocals.
When did you start playing music?
My grandparents were both musicians, so my grandfather taught me my first song on keyboard at 4 years old. 5 years later at age 9, my gran invested in piano lessons for me. I first performed live with a band at 16.