Chris Barnes

When did you join Aussie Floyd?
November 2015
Favourite Pink Floyd album?
Favourite Pink Floyd song to listen to?
Favourite Pink Floyd song to play?
The Fletcher memorial Home
How did you get in to Pink Floyd?
I first heard Pink Floyd when my brother played me Relics, I was about 5 and absolutely terrified of Interstellar Overdrive.
What other bands do you like?
Nirvana are my favourite band but outside that and Pink Floyd I listen to everything from ABBA to Slayer.
If you weren’t in a Pink Floyd tribute what tribute would you be doing?
Have you met any Floyd members?
I met Nick Mason at a book signing in 2004 for his Inside Out book.
Least favourite Floyd song?
The Final Cut or Sorrow
Funniest moment on stage with TAPFS?
I once nearly didn’t make it back to the stage after nipping to the toilet during middle section in Pigs after a security guard didn’t believe I was in the band, luckily I was recognised by a member of our crew and made it to the mic just in time for the next verse.
If you weren’t a musician what would you be?
I would love to own a second hand record shop.
Best thing about touring?
Playing music that I love with wonderful musicians that have become great friends.
Worst thing about touring?
Being away from my wife and children.
Favourite venues?
Manchester Apollo and Humphrey’s in San Diego
Most enjoyable gig?
he first time I got to play Manchester Apollo with the band back on 2016, my kids got to see what Dad is really doing when he’s away.
What instruments do you play?
Guitar, Bass, Drums and Keyboards.
When did you start playing music?
I started playing drums at home aged 3 and began gigging at 14.